Tuesday, 8 May 2007

Plan relating to the earth sphere.

The following is a partial outline of the plan of the Universe relating to the earth sphere. This
outline, though sketchy and incomplete, indicates enough to show what the plan is, and to explain
the working of the law of thought in so far as it relates to man.
Only a small portion of this immense sphere is familiar to the human, namely, the physical,
visible universe, which is in the solid state of the physical plane of the human physical world in
the sphere of earth. Beyond this state the ordinary human does not even think, (Fig. V-B).
By thinking there is precipitated onto our earth into visibility, through the four worlds, that
portion of the four spheres which is within and blended into the sphere of earth, as fire, air, water,
and earth. The nature-matter thus concreted may be perceived by the four senses of man in the
forms and structures of the human, animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms.
The senses of the body are elemental beings, nature units; they are personalized parts of the
four elements of invisible nature. The senses are developed and drawn and bound into the human
body and bear the seal of the doer that inhabits it. The senses do not feel; neither does nature feel,
but through the senses the doer in the human feels and desires. The matter which composes the
human body is impressed directly by the thinking and the thoughts of the doer in the human body.
All the matter in the human world has passed, does pass and will again and again pass through
human bodies in streams of units, cyclically by circulations. Thus there is kept up a continual
circulation of the units of nature through human bodies; it is kept going by thinking and breathing,
by which the matter is taken in and returned to the states and planes. It is only while matter is in a
human body that it can be raised or lowered from the condition in which it is, by thinking. It is
thus that the units of the human world descend and ascend continually.
After the death of the body and the dispersion into nature of the senses and the other nature
units there remains the form of the breath-form; this form stays in the psychic atmosphere of the
doer and is later used as a model or pattern to build a new body for the doer. By this process
innumerable bodies will be built successively for a re-existing doer. As a result of the experiences
and learning of the doer in these bodies, the units of which the bodies are composed are
eventually equilibrated and the feeling-and-desire of the doer of the Triune Self are in balanced
union in a regenerated and perfected physical body.
The part of the plan which is outlined in this section relates merely to the operation of the law
of thought as destiny, in so far as the operation of the law is the rule of life for man. As the
purpose of the Universe is unfolded in these pages, additional features of the plan are given which
affect nature, the Triune Self and the Intelligence.
Transition of a breath-form unit to the state of aia. Eternal Order of Progression.
The Government of the world. The "fall of man." Regeneration of the body. Passage
of a unit from the nature-side to the intelligent-side.
From the universal plan outlined in the foregoing pages it will be seen that the sphere of earth
is of nature-matter and intelligent-matter; and that Consciousness, unchangeable and the same
throughout, is present everywhere.
In order that a nature unit may become an intelligent unit, it must have reached the limit of
progression on the nature-side; that is, it must have become the breath-form unit in a perfect body.
The next degree takes the breath-form unit beyond the bounds of nature. Then it is an aia unit, as
the intermediary point or line between nature and the intelligent-side, (Fig. II-G,H), belonging
however to the intelligent-side.
The transition of the breath-form unit to the degree of aia, is made while the doer is in its
perfect, immortal physical body in the Realm of Permanence; that is, according to the Eternal
Order of Progression, as follows:
The unmanifested of a unit is Sameness,--which is in and through the manifesting active and
passive aspects of the unit, (Fig. II-C). The manifesting active and passive aspects alternately
change until each is adjusted to the other by the unchanging Sameness, so that they are equalized
and balanced, and the unit is Sameness throughout.
It is so with the breath-form unit: its unmanifested is the sum of all functions as which it was
successively conscious during its entire progress through all preceding degrees as a nature unit in
that perfect body. As the sum those degrees do not function; they are neutral; they are as
Sameness. But those degrees qualify the manifesting aspects as breath-form to function: to keep
in operation and functioning all the units in that perfect body. And the aia unit is in the perfect
body, in the transitional state and degree to which the breath-form is developing.
The breath-form is the most advanced degree to which a nature unit can progress, always in a
perfect body. By the doer of the Triune Self that dwelt in that perfect body the breath-form was
balanced. And at the same time all other units in the perfect body were ready to advance one
degree in being conscious. So the breath-form was made ready to be advanced to the neutral state,
the transitional state, between nature-matter and intelligent-matter.
When the Triune Self of that perfect body becomes an Intelligence it raises the aia of that
body to take its place and degree as Triune Self, which then advances the breath-form to the state
of aia, as stated; and, that new Triune Self takes charge of the body. But in doing this all the units
of that perfect body have advanced one higher degree in being conscious. Therefore there must be
an alignment of units in their advanced degrees, especially with the new breath-form and its
senses and their organs. And there must be an adjustment by the doer of the Triune Self through
which it will maintain and keep the perfect body in operation. This adjustment is a critical and
most important process.
Some advancements made by units in the perfect body are: The unit of the sense of smell,
that is, its active aspect, breath, is, together with the passive aspect, form, advanced to be the
breath-form of the perfect body. Taste is advanced to the degree of smell. Hearing is advanced to
the degree of taste. Sight is advanced to the degree of hearing. And the unit of the organ of the
eye is advanced to be the sense of sight. These four advanced sense units are to act as
intermediaries between outside nature and the perfect body. The control and maintenance of that
body would be by means of the breath-form, and the doer of the Triune Self would keep the body
in balance; and the doer, in addition, would be active in administering affairs of the human world.
The Triune Self would then be a Triune Self complete, and as such it would be one of The
Government of the world, according to the Eternal Order of Progression.
However, before all this could come about, the doer of the Triune Self had to pass the trial
test of balance; that is, it had to bring its feeling aspect and its desire aspect into balanced union.
In order to do this, the doer's perfect sexless body is divided into a male body and a female body;
the feeling aspect of the doer then dwells in the female body and the desire aspect in the male
body. The two bodies are the balances. Then, with feeling and desire in the two bodies of opposite
sexes, as the balances, the doer was to preserve the oneness of itself as feeling-and-desire while it
was present in both halves of the divided one body. This would be done by thinking, by the
proper adjustment of the three minds of the doer, under control of the doer. Then, feeling-anddesire
thinking together as the doer, could not think other than as one doer. Thus thinking, the
body-mind would be attuned to and controlled by the feeling-and-desire minds thinking together
as one, and would also think of feeling-and-desire as one. Thus, by the three minds unitedly
thinking as one, the male and female half-bodies would be again united, and feeling-and-desire,
by thinking together, would be in balanced and inseparable union. Such united thinking of the
three minds would also adjust the units of the four systems of the perfect body through the four
senses of the body by means of the breath-form under control of the doer, who would then be in
right relation to its thinker and knower.
But the doers of all human beings failed to pass that test and trial. They did not balance the
newly advanced units in their proper relation. Feeling-and-desire allowed the body-mind to
control their thinking. So the body-mind thinking through the senses of the male body and the
female body hypnotized desire-and-feeling into seeing and believing that they were bodies, and
they forgot that they were the desire and the feeling of one doer, and not bodies. The Conscious
Light was withdrawn. They were in darkness of the senses; and then they did not think of
themselves as feeling-and-desire--similarly as most humans now think of themselves as bodies
instead of as the doers in their bodies. They lost the government of the body and could not remain
in the Realm of Permanence. Their thinking took them out of the Realm of Permanence. They
could only see and sense and think of this world of birth and death. This is the basis of the legend
of the "fall of man".

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